Healing psychotherapy support groups designed to awaken your authentic power and help you express yourself more fully in the world.

  • a sacred space to share your feelings, discover your Truth and express yourself more       authentically
  •  an empowering space to support you in setting boundaries, standing up for yourself, creating your dreams, and doing what brings you Joy
  •  a nurturing space to help you deeply connect to and honor your body, feelings, instincts, and intuition
  • a healing space to have fun and enlightening conversations about food, sex, love and relationships
  • an educational space to learn what safe sexuality is and isn’t, and how to better listen to your body and express your sexuality authentically.



Please call Brooke for more information, at (310)968-1572 or email her at Brookemegdal@aol.com.

“I was just pondering today (again) how this process involves (as identified in your website) finding our light and our voice.  That when we do this, as women, we reclaim our power and regenerate our wholeness — or perhaps find it for the first time. I’m noticing this especially in the Saturday support group which I’ve been attending now pretty regularly for a year. Consistently, the women come to the group with quiet voices — I have to literally strain to hear what they’re saying. They are almost folded into themselves — the way they sit and carry themselves.  As we individually and collectively participate in the group, all of us speak louder, cry louder, get angrier, sit up straighter — you can almost see the electricity fly off of our newly alive bodies. I love seeing the women find their voice and am always amazed when I meet the child I left behind (me). It’s like believing in love again, becoming interested in life, breathing — as we all rise up as warriors in our own lives. Power to the women, such as yourself, who provide the impetus to begin healing — and to advance our universe rapidly.”