Brooke Megdal, LMFT

A healing center dedicated to nurturing divine feminine empowerment.


The Loving Heart Center is a community healing center located in Brentwood, Los Angeles, led by Brooke Megdal and dedicated to nurturing feminine empowerment. Through psychotherapy, support groups, and/or free-form movement, I will help you reclaim your inner wisdom and express yourself more fully and authentically in the world. I will help you create a life of balance, joy, fulfillment, and purpose by learning to trust your own wisdom and instinctual nature and shine from the inside out. I specialize in eating disorder recovery and healing from sexual abuse. I also specialize in couples counseling and the treatment of depression, anxiety, and issues related to life transitions.

Brooke Megdal, LMFT (310) 968-1572

Brooke Megdal is the founder and director of The Loving Heart Center.  She is a licensed marriage family therapist, with a master’s degree in marriage family therapy and a master’s degree in spiritual psychology.

She is a certified yoga teacher in both the Hatha and Kundalini systems, and has studied deeply the healing practices of free form dance, tantra, and meditation for the last 20 years. She specializes in teaching meditation, mindfulness, and self-healing tools.

Brooke is passionately devoted to helping women of all ages discover healthy, happy lives and is truly dedicated to helping women discover and express their true authentic selves.

Having recovered from anorexia and bulimia, she also specializes in eating disorder recovery. She works with clients individually and in group.


Brooke is a gifted psychotherapist, teacher, and empathic intuitive healer. She works with clients individually to bring to light and transform the core unconscious beliefs and conflicts that are holding a client back.

Brooke specializes in empowering her clients. Through humor, care, and commitment she teaches healing life lessons and self-healing techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and a spiritual psychology perspective. Clients learn how to love better, accept and nurture themselves, and how to deal with fear, self-judgment, and painful feelings.

Brooke also specializes in helping women re-discover their voices, helping women set boundaries, trust their feminine wisdom and express their authentic selves fully in the world. She has worked extensively in the eating disorder recovery field for the last seven years and has helped many women recover happy, healthy lives, free of food and body image issues.

Brooke’s compassion and kindness are other healing factors. Brooke cares deeply about her clients, and she is dedicated to increasing the well-being of those she works with. Her life purpose is to help women love, honor, and cherish themselves and their bodies.

“Dear Brooke, I can not tell you how grateful I am for the opportunity I’ve had to meet you and learn from you. Your intuition and wisdom have helped guide me to find love for myself.”


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