Posted by on Dec 8, 2012 in Blog | 0 comments



To be beautiful is to feel beautiful, to feel beautiful is to be joyful and well, to be joyful and well is to enjoy Being You, freely expressing yourself authentically and fully, for your own pleasure and fulfillment.  To express yourself authentically and fully, you must stay true to the Flow within you, honoring your internal guidance moment to moment.

If you have a pre-conceived idea of who you should or shouldn’t be, what you should or shouldn’t do, in order to please or fulfill other people’s ideas or expectations, including your own, you will not be fully alive and well.

Many women objectify themselves. They literally turn themselves from alive human constantly evolving miracles into static objects. Hitler called Jews “pigs” to legitimize killing them, and Hugh Heffner turned women into bunnies in order to legitimize using them like disposable objects.  In both cases the human being’s inherent worth, soul, and divinity is denied and degraded in order to justify beastial predator pray behavior.

I recently saw a photo taken from a party at the Hugh Heffner mansion. Standing next to Hugh was Tom Lykus and 3 naked women with their bodies painted as beer cans. How can this be OK? Objectification of women is so normalized in our society, that women continue to objectify themselves not knowing the crime against their own soul they have been conditioned to commit.

If in anyway you are objectifying yourself, turning yourself into an object, in order to “attract” a man, you are manipulating and devaluing yourself. You are a divine miracle. Be you and only you, as you are, enjoy being divinely Beautiful as the unique expression that is you, and then you will attract the right man; a man that is looking to honor and cherish a woman.

You need you and only you, to love and accept you, to enjoy Being you, and then you will have the world in your hands, you need to go after nothing, it comes to you, everything good comes to you. The most truly attractive force in the universe is you Being you, loving you, and expressing all the creative glorious parts of you; and to you, the Universe shall bend.